February 8, 2017Your Valentine and Home Security

February 8, 2017 by cnmAdmin2030Your Valentine and Home Security

No, we’re not going to suggest that you buy your loved one a home security system for Valentine’s Day. That will not earn you points. You’ll do better with flowers and dinner at a good restaurant. Trust us on this.

But we do want to use Valentine’s Day as an opportunity to ask you to think about the safety of your loved ones – all of them: your spouse or significant other, children, pets and anyone else who lives in your home. Consider how important they are to you and how much you and they have to lose if disaster strikes. Give some serious thought to how you can protect them from these dangers, and then let us know if we can help.

Burglaries and Break-Ins
You’ve probably had no trouble with crime in the past. Be grateful for that, because home invasions and break-ins cost US homeowners more than $4 billion annually in property losses and damage, with the average loss per burglary more than $2,000, according to FBI statistics. That’s to say nothing of the physical risk and emotional trauma to those who are home during a break-in. Even if no one is at home during a burglary, the mere fact of the violation of your home and the loss of certain treasured possessions can be traumatic.

The presence of a security system does much to deter break-ins in the first place. Should one occur, however, an alarm will often scare off the intruder immediately, while 24-hour monitoring will dramatically reduce police response time and speed help on its way.

Your Valentine and Home Security
From the moment a fire starts, you may have less than three minutes to escape. That includes the time that the fire grows before you become aware of it, the time it takes you to get out of bed (or wherever you are), to gather the children and pets, and to get out the door. If you don’t know about the fire within the first two minutes or so, you might not all make it. Since you’re not always awake, and some rooms where a fire might start aren’t occupied all the time, an alarm system is an absolute necessity to alert you in time.

Carbon Monoxide
Carbon monoxide is created by incomplete combustion, like when a furnace malfunctions or a woodstove, gas dryer or propane heater isn’t vented correctly. The gas is colorless and odorless, and even if you’re awake and aware, you won’t know if it’s building up to dangerous levels in your home. Again, an alarm system is the only way to protect yourself from this stealthy killer.

Personal Safety
Do you have an elderly parent in the home? Children who are always “getting into things?” Workmen coming and going as they perform renovations or repairs? Home helpers that you want to keep an eye on? If you can’t monitor their activities, you may not know of problems until it’s too late to do anything about them. You can’t be at home 24/7, but modern security systems can enable you to watch real-time video anywhere on your smartphone or computer.

Commit to Your Valentine’s Safety
You love your family and value your home and possessions. Johns Brothers Security can help you protect them with home security systems that address these hazards and give you and your loved ones safety and peace of mind.

While you’re at it, why not make life more convenient with home automation? The same system that provides home security can enable you to control home temperatures and energy use, lock and unlock doors remotely, monitor the home and property with CCTV, be alerted to basement floods and furnace malfunctions, and stay advised of everyone’s comings and goings.

When you’re ready. contact Johns Brothers Security to learn more. But for Valentine’s Day, go with the flowers.

PackagesResidential Solutions


Our most complete package features protection, automation, and video delivered to your smartphone.

  • 24/7 home protection with video surveillance system live-streamed to your smartphone
  • It’s your pathway to smart home automation with the convenience of keyless entry
  • Automatically store video clips of triggered events
Get the Premium Package


Our most popular smart security package features more than protection – it’s your pathway to home automation.

  • Smart home automation made easy
  • Conveniently manage home access, door locks, lights, and more wirelessly
  • Receive real-time alert system notifications to your smartphone
Get the Smart Package


The essential security package features affordable protection with a wireless connection.

  • Patented “Smash and Crash” protection
  • Secure cellular communication
  • Touchscreen panel with intuitive mobile app
Get the Interactive Package

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