No matter what time of day it is, it is an unsettling experience when a stranger unexpectedly comes knocking at your door. And with election day right around the corner, we often see an increase in door-knocking activity in the days leading up to Tuesday’s voting.
While most people who knock on your door have no intention of breaking in, it’s essential to remain cautious, as some individuals might be gathering information for potential criminal purposes.
The following tips can help ensure your safety when confronted with an unexpected visitor at your home.
The first and foremost step is to confirm that your door is locked when you hear someone at your front door.
Burglars may knock on doors to determine if anyone is home before attempting a break-in. However, there are instances where burglars may attempt a break-in regardless of your presence. So, it is important to ensure that your doors are always securely locked.
Consider using smart locks as a part of your smart security setup. Smart locks allow you to lock your door remotely using your smartphone, eliminating the need to be present or approach the door. Lock your doors whether you’re home or away. Smart locks are gaining popularity because so many homeowners love the added layer of protection!
Once you are sure that your doors are locked, you can then use your peephole, a window, or a video doorbell camera to see who is at your front door.
For a clear view of who’s outside your home, a video doorbell camera or a smart security camera focused on your front door is an excellent choice. These security cameras provide a crisp image you can access via your smartphone, acting as a modern peephole.
A video surveillance system can be very helpful in tracking the movement of an unexpected visitor who has moved on from your front door and possibly gone around the side or back of your home. It lets you know exactly where the person is and confirm if they have left your property or if a call to the authorities is necessary.
Regardless of your method, always try to identify the individual at your doorstep and assess whether they are trustworthy. Stay in the know with a complete video surveillance system.
And remember, it’s vital not to let your guard down, even if it’s a woman with children standing outside your door.
Engaging with the person at your door is important, letting them know the house is occupied, potentially discouraging illicit intentions. You can communicate with the visitor through the two-way speaker on your video doorbell camera or speak to them through the locked door. You are not obliged to open your door.
Keep in mind that you should remain cautious. Scammers and criminals often impersonate people in distress or needing assistance to trick you into opening the door. If they tell you that they are injured or have an emergency situation occurring, ask them to stay calm while you call for help. For instance, if someone claims to be a service provider, it’s wise to let them know that they need to schedule an appointment and call you first. Without an appointment, no honest professional should visit your home.
Video doorbell cameras provide you with a way of speaking to the person through the built-in speaker and microphone, eliminating the need to open the door.
Regardless of the story, it’s always best to refrain from opening your door. Utilizing a video doorbell camera is one of the most effective ways to handle unexpected visitors.
If you’ve followed the above steps and the visitor refuses to leave, or if their behavior becomes suspicious or aggressive, it’s advisable to call the police.
Try to remember their physical appearance, clothing, distinctive features, where they went, and details about their vehicle to aid the police in their investigation. If you have a video doorbell camera or security camera, this information can be invaluable in assisting the authorities.
A “No Soliciting” sign is an additional deterrent for unexpected visitors. It clearly communicates your desire to be left alone. While most salespeople will respect such a sign, some may overlook it or choose to ignore it. It’s essential to remember that, despite their constitutional rights, salespeople must adhere to local laws and regulations regarding solicitation in Richmond, Virginia neighborhoods.
To avoid feeling uneasy or annoyed by uninvited guests and unexpected visitors, consider implementing these precautions and incorporating the latest smart security features into your home. Invest in a home security system package that includes two-way communication, smart locks, and more to enhance your safety. At Johns Brothers Security, we are dedicated to ensuring your comfort and protection in the Richmond, Virginia, area. Contact our security experts today at 1-800-242-9760 to discover which home security system package is right for you! We can customize a solution that fits your needs. Our home security system packages are backed by our state-of-the-art technology and excellent customer service!
Our most complete package features protection, automation, and video delivered to your smartphone.
Our most popular smart security package features more than protection – it’s your pathway to home automation.
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