Employing an onsite security guard is a great way to protect your people and property, but it can be very costly. By using remote video monitoring for your site instead of hiring a security guard, your costs for your business can be almost 50% less. This makes it a very cost-effective solution for businesses, especially those without the resources to hire overnight security staff.
Businesses will always be faced with crimes like theft, vandalism, and trespassing. Fortunately, you can reduce these crimes by implementing effective barriers.
With remote video monitoring, you have remote agents available 24/7 to take action when necessary. Agents can take action in several ways, by calling the police or setting off an onsite alarm. This is a disruptive barrier for crime and can prevent a situation from escalating.
To effectively handle a break-in, a business needs law enforcement at the scene as quickly as possible. Remote video monitoring helps in a few ways.
It may be difficult to employ multiple security guards and have them present at all times, whether you have one or multiple locations. A monitored video surveillance system can be a huge help and will allow you to have your eyes on multiple feeds. Doing this will allow you to have maximum security all around your property and not only in key areas.
While security guards are a valuable defense against unwanted activity, they come with limits. A guard can’t oversee multiple areas of a building at once, which means criminals could target areas not being watched.
With intelligent camera analytics, remote video monitoring can cover multiple areas at once. The service can even be programmed to complete remote site patrols of designated areas on a set schedule. This means vigilant backup for your security staff.
While there are so many things to consider and decisions to make when trying to protect a business or property, investing in remote video monitoring may be the easiest one you’ll make.
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